Corner Beads – Render & External Wall Insulation
Expanded wing angle beads are manufactured from galvanised steel or stainless steel. With the galvanised angle bead we recommend the use of our uPVC cover nose to protect the bead from bring scratched.
Click & Rotate the image horizontally below to view in 3d
Size mm | Coated Galv | Stainless Steel | Type |
45 | TEP-CB-45-M-G-30-W-N | TEP-CB-45-M-SS-30-W-N | TEP17 |
60 | TEP-CB-60-M-G-30-W-N | TEP-CB-60-M-SS-30-W-N | TEP18 |
45/60 | TEP-CB-45/60-M-G-30-W-N | TEP-CB-45/60-M-SS-30-W-N | TEP17/18 |
Render mm | Plastic |
6 | TEP-CB-06-P-PVC-25-W |
10 | TEP-CB-10-P-PVC-25-W |
15 | TEP-CB-15-P-PVC-25-W |
20 | TEP-CB-20-P-PVC-25-W |
Perforated Wing Angle Beads
Perforated wing angle beads are manufactured from galvanised mild steel, stainless steel, plastic and aluminium.
Size mm | Galv Steel (PPC) | Galv Steel (Mill) | Stainless Steel | Aluminium PPC | Type |
22 | TEP-CB-22-P-G-25-W | TEP-CB-22-P-G-25-M | TEP-CB-22-P-SS-25-M | TEP-CB-22-P-A-25-W | TEP78 |
Render mm | Plastic | Type |
150×100 | TEP-CB-100/150-S-PVC-25-W | TEP707 |